When temperatures dropping below 32 degrees during the winter season, water pipes can freeze burst, and cause a great deal of damage. Help protect your apartment home by taking these steps during a freeze: Set the heater on at least 60-65 degrees and leave it on until threat of freeze is over. Leave all hot and…
Category Archives: Tips
It's Back-To-School Time! September is said to be the most dangeroud month for pedestrian accidents as parents and students are getting back into the swing of things. Here are a few safety tips to follow to ensure a safe school year for you and our younger residents: How to Drive Safely Around School Buses Back…
Jefferson Creek provides an on-site community laundry facilities accessible for all of our residents. To ensure yoursand your neighbor's laundry day experience goes as smooth as possible, please review the following: Do not leave your clothes unattended. Other residents may be waiting to use the machines after you. Remove all articles of clothing from the…